Bleeker Street - which also happens to be a song (which Jill hates) by Simon and Garfunkel about this very street - cuts across Greenwich Village east to west. We had no guest beeboppers this week, so Jill and I had some much needed BFF bonding. AND - added bonus - New York saw some massive snowing on Friday which 1) got me out of work early (booya) and 2) added a little winter flava to our beloved beebop.

Bleeker Street begins at Abingdon Square, a park like all of the other fenced in patches of grass in New York. This fence, however, held a laminated sign telling us to keep off the precious grass. Being the rebel I am - I snuck my toe under the fence. My facial expression makes it seem like this move caused me extreme pain - don't be fooled - I am just overly excited to be disobedient.

This is a statue honoring soldiers from one of the World Wars. Jill was trying to imitate the statue but is facing the wrong way and doing the wrong things with her arms. Noble effort.

This man's top hat brought us back to the early 1800's when Anthony Bleeker, a lawyer and poet whose farm surrounded this street, donated a chunk of land to the city. Thank you Tony.

A good biography brings me happiness that few other things are capable of.

A good bakery brings Jill the same type of happiness. (Dang Magnolia's for not opening until ten. Note: their banana pudding is out-of-control tasty)

At this point of our walk - we began to realize several things. 1) Bleeker Street is known for its night life which unfortunately does not begin at 8:30 as we do. 2) Due to #1 - things are deader than dead around here 3) EVERY store on Bleeker Street announces in its title that it is indeed on Bleeker Street. You will notice that #3 becomes a running theme.

This flower shop was swankified. Jill introduced me to the ranunculus - which is a fun name and a flower with an obscene amount of petals. Holla to her botany skillz.

Ta Da - another shop on Bleeker!

We took this picture when we realized that there was nothing to SEE on Bleeker Street. I also enjoyed pointing in my mittens. You didn't even know I was pointing - did you?

I think Jill is prettier than the model.

These are faces of contemplation. We encountered a clairvoyant and palm reading place and debated for five to ten minutes if I should have my palm read. I was terrified. Jill appears to seem scared, when in reality she was attempting to be an encouraging bully. We walked away - tarot cards unturned and palm unread.

Notice the old dance hall across the street. I was embarrassing Jill (and myself for that matter) by busting a can-can on the corner of Bleeker and something.

Jill is wary of the rude van that cut our sign in half. Bleeker Farm - go fig.

Shock of shocks - a Bleeker Store. I think my cud-chewing face belongs at the Bleeker Farm.

Cheese, Cheese, Cheese!!! Murray's Cheese Shop. We both kind of love cheese with our whole souls a little bit.

These cheese wheels are so large and tasty looking. Yum-a-Rum. This picture makes me crave Ritz crackers.

Beeboppers' breakfast. Jill is having a moment with her croissant. Creep-fest.

What is up with this picture? I think there is a Bleeker record shop in the background.

Again - who knows. We were desperate for pics and while we were still sincerely loving the massive amount of Bleeker stores, we were nervous that too many of them would be boring. This is Jill's attempt to liven things up.

Bleeker Street has so many rules. No biking, no roller skating, no scottie dogs and no martinis. All you are permitted to do is stand there or drop things into a basket.

Mitten pointing at the Bleeker Deli (or at the young child with a comb-over).

True love on Bleeker.

More Bleeka lovin'.

Jill continually has a difficult time following directions. Geez.

Statue of Mayor LaGuardia - 99th mayor of New York City and quite a jolly fella.

Jill's husband is at NYU law school. Here she holds a torch in honor of his last semester.

Dogs in clothes! We cannot get enough.

Action shot! Here we are in Washington Square Park - Me chucking a snowball at Jill. I totally missed.

Bleeker Street ROCKS!

This is the most disturbing bar of all times. Skeletons are hanging everywhere, and the sign features a salivating wolf. Enticing.

There is NOTHING that I have enjoyed more than fractional addresses. We thought 1/2 was exciting - 18 3/4 is off the Hizzie!

Jill was fond of these female statues. hmmm...


Affectionate men. I am totally comfortable with that - but not with Jill adding herself into their love.
Oh my gosh you guys are seriously hilarious! You forgot to go down to the subway and take a picture of yourselves on Bleecker where Phoebe sings on Friends.. I guess that wasn't in the book! I wait every Saturday/Sunday/and Monday for your posts each week. I want to come be your guest!
very funny ...
i love dropping things in baskets.
You two are great. I sit here in London and I am having donuts in NYC.
I feel like the bar with skeletons and salivating wolves really does look enticing. When I come be the honorary bee-bopper, I vote we go there (and to the Doughnut Plant).
I actually agree with Lauren here -- the bar made me want to go inside, even if just for a minute, out of curiosity to what its motif would be like. And to get wasted.
So many interesting things on Bleeker Street!!! You guys are great!! Keep up the good work!
Fun stuff girls! I especially liked the 3/4 address, too weird :)
You are two funny girls! Wish Iowa were as exciting. We just have tons of "bleek" winter days
Hey we just found your blog. We wondered what you were up to megan. We are in the other corner of the country, good old washington. NY looks like a blast.
fun X fun = bee-boppin 7/8ths!!! =)
Just stumbled upon your blog and I'm in love! This is a great blog with a splendid idea. I'll be following your exploits from here on out! Have fun!
Have you found the Magnolia Bakery on the Upper West Side on Columbus near 70th? Between that, The Muffin Cafe three doors downish, and the cupcake shop on 72nd, there are a plethora of cupcakes up here to be had!
You guys make me laugh! You should've made that manequin a bee-bopper for the pic and it's a good thing one of those dogs wasn't a Scottie or who knows what might've happened! lol
No scottie dogs? No martinis? Man, that is harsh!
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