This week our walk took us across the Williamsburg Bridge which connects Manhattan to Williamsburg, Brooklyn. We were excited to loan the spare purple hat to our guest beebopper - roommate Mitzi.

En route to the bridge, we encountered this health-conscious man wielding a HUGE bag of beans Santa Claus style. We found it to be quite a site. FYI - seconds before, we missed a great photo opp when a cute Chinese woman was seen dragging a laundry basket full of flopping fish down the sidewalk. Sickest.

Hallelujah! Luckily, the Williamsberg Bridge is kind of, somewhat, almost near one of our favorite NY treats - The Doughnut Plant.

Our doughnut shop was decorated for the Chinese New Year! (I believe this is the 5th walk that has brought us to the Doughnut Plant...or 6th)

This is the jolly guy that works the counter at the Doughnut Plant. Over the past few months, as we find any excuse we can to stop in for a doughnut, we have become fast friends with him. He LOVES our purple hats, and because he had on a festive Chinese New Years hat - we took the opportunity to trade. In honor of the holiday - my Asian potential is through the roof.

Mitzi is messy. She spilled/spit her hot chocolate all over the place. Though I have been mocked for my preparedness, I was glad to have wet wipes on hand. I was also glad to be making a very creepy face.

We have arrived at the bridge! WHOOP WHOOP!

I really love this picture. Jill is being the perfect combination of cutsie and sneaky. Well done.

According to the card - the Williamsburg Bridge has better views of the city than the Brooklyn Bridge. For the first time - the card lies. It was a bit of a foggy morning - and though it appears that Mitz and Jill are posing in front of a bunch of nothing - there actually is a big and grand city somewhere behind them.

We think a really, really tall person got shot here. Mitzi wanted to spend a minute in their shoes. AND - what is up with my brave friends' willingness to lay on the dirty ground anywhere in NYC?! First Jill at the African Burial Ground (see "City Hall" post), and now this.

Both Jill and I commented about this graffiti being the most beautiful color! Love it.
I just deleted a picture! DANGIT! If anyone knows how to "undo" while blog posting - please let me know.

The J train comes across the bridge. A real thrill.

This is a sad me wanting the view to be better. We will replace my sadness with a fun fact: the Williamsburg Bridge was built in 1903, only twenty years after the Brooklyn Bridge (which coincidentally, has GREAT views).

Three good pals walking and talking. Jill is looking at us adoringly - she loves us.

At this point of the walk, we began to let the crazy out. Some graffiti-er had put a hula-hoop on this walking man. Mit and I were attempting to capture the essence of the hula-hooping sport. I think we NAILED it.

A boat! Jill is humoring me by participating in this picture. Mitz the photographer also told me that my hands were in perfect position where it looked like I was holding the little boat. She was lying, and I look ridiculous - like Oliver Twist: "Please sir, I want some more."

The card said that this bridge has an "Ayn Rand" feel. This time - the card was truthful. Both Mitz and I love Ayn Rand. I feel like Howard Roarke is about to swing down from one of these steel beams and say something profound.

Mitz is training for a triathlon. Go Mitz!

Jill is using her impeccable balance to stand atop of this pointy grey thing. Lets give a shout out to her inner ear.

As I looked at these pictures, I was reminded of the many clever posters in this world that picture some animal (an opossum, a bat, a cat, a koala, etc.) dangling from a tree with the caption "Just Hangin' Around." I really, really have an aversion to ridiculous animal posters.
I deleted ANOTHER picture. DANG! It was a great one displaying my adventurous spirit taking hold of me. I had climbed up on this railing and was precariously hanging over the edge of the bridge with the river surging beneath me. OR - I was standing on a railing smiling. Whatev - still a good pic.
The important part of this picture is the man in the back. The card informs us that the footbridge is frequently used by Hasidic Jews on the Sabbath. He is going to church. I am not sure what I am doing.

We discovered a small sign that perfectly explains Mitzi's current life predicament.

She can't get some.

The part of Williamsburg right by our bridge was covered in graffiti. This wall was particularly lovely, and we are particularly gangstas.

This walk was not full of spectacular sites, BUT I feel like we do not need much to keep ourselves entertained. Also - here is a shout out to our guest BeeBopper - whoop whoop Mitz!
Nice post, Meg. My favorite line is, hands down, "Lets give a shout out to her inner ear." :)
Agreed, Jill. I thought that line was especially witty.
Another great walk. I, for one, think Mitz should become a regular part of the walks.
Also, Megan, whenever I accidentally delete a picture I just re-upload it and put it back where it was. :P
Finally, I do agree with Meg in that I am dumbfounded at Jill and Mitzi's willingness to lie down in NYC. I've seen the sorts of things that hit the ground in that city and they aren't pretty -- especially some of the liquids.
megan, not sure why you're not flashing the APP in your hat-trading pic with your BFF at the doughnut plant.
I have stumbled upon your blog through the homemade by jill blog which was featured on the blogger main page and I have decided I want to be in NYC and wear a purple hat, too. It looks like you have so much fun and I enjoy reading about your adventures!
I stumbled upon your blog the same way as Jamita. This must be the coolest blog ever and I love reading about all of your fun adventures.
Hi, you don't know me, but I, too stumbled upon your blog when I was on craigslist under the misc. romance section. You 3 are hotties. And if that one girl who laid down on the sidewalk can't get some, send her this way, please. ;)
You girls are HILARIOUS! Nate and I both love reading about your walks. Yay! (good luck with Mr. Scar up there)
mr. scar. hahahaha. i especially liked the sign that said "oy vey!" and also Mitzi's sign, because no one likes that life predicament.
except maybe the person making this particular situation a predicament.
I love your blog. And the hats! You look like you're having so much fun!
Once again a good post..very nice..good work gals...
keep the good work going..;)
Love love love your blog too!
I'm in Sydney and have no hope of seeing NYC anytime soon, so it's great to see it through your eyes.
Love the guest Bee-bopper idea too.
Howdy Gals,
Thank you for your blog! It is too much fun! A set of True Kindred spirits you both are.
Marie-Dallas, Texas
she's not interested, rustino.
I love your blog and the beeboppin'
to undo, press ctrl and z. should work just fine. but as someone else mentione, you can always upload pics again and move it to where you want it.
I LOVE your blog. I LOVE NYC--and feel like I'm there again when I'm reading your blog. I happened upon it from Homemade too! How did you 2 hang off the bridge like that? I LUV the dog clothes store! You find the coolest places that I have never had time to find when I'm able to visit the "Apple" :)! Looking forward to next weeks!
i love your blog - i love tuning in each week to see where you've gone. don't know what i'll do when you guys have taken all your tours!
i love the shout out to ayn rand and howard roarke. i'm also a huge fan. now i want to go visit the bridge!
keep up the great blog - and keep mitzi away from that scar guy with the comment up there!
What a fantastic idea!! I love the blog gals!! And I must say it's awesome that you get to live in New York!! I love seeing where you've gone, because quite frankly, beebopping American Fork, Utah isn't as interesting, although you two could make it so!!
I must know where Mitzi got her jeans! I giant heart them. The fly looks like it's about an inch long, which is great for short waisted girls like myself. Supa low = supa fab. Will you please ask her to dish the details on the brand, etc? Thanks!
i will NOT give up. pass my love on to M
Love the site too! You guys inspired me to go on a "tour" of my own city! I went to NYC a couple years ago, but there was no way we could've seen all this fun stuff in just a couple days! I love your perspective
OK, I am loving your blog! That is so what me and my BFF would do! I LOVED the pictures of all the dogs dressed up!!
Check out my blogs!
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